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21. mammillaria
(Phocagallery / mammillaria)
...  longiflora; Mammillaria longimamma, grow in deep containers; Mammillaria luisae; Mammillaria microhelia; Mammillaria sphaerica; Mammillaria zeilmanniana. Mammillaria marksiana, slow-growing, ...
22. matucana
(Phocagallery / matucana)
Habitat: Peruvian Andes. Description: a group of globular or columnar cacti with spines of variable length and colour and long-tubed flowers in the summer, followed by small green fruits. They once were ...
23. melocactus
(Phocagallery / melocactus)
Habitat: West Indies, Brazil, Cuba, Peru, Mexico. In their native countries they can be also found growing on the seashore. Description: globular cacti with straight ribs and very variable in spination. ...
24. notocactus
(Phocagallery / notocactus)
... needs some light watering also in the wintertime and a minimum temperature around 12°C (54°F) and it is usually grafted; Notocactus shumannianus; Notocactus  buenekeri; N. haselbergii; ...
25. oroya
(Phocagallery / oroya)
Habitat: foggy deserts on Peruvian Andes. Description: a group of small, globular, slightly squashed cacti with variable spination, often pectinate that flower in the summer after five years or so from ...
26. parodia
(Phocagallery / parodia)
Habitat: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay. Description: these beautiful small, spiny cacti with a cylindrical or globular stem can bloom just 2 or 3 years after sowing. The large, funnel-shaped ...
27. pediocactus
(Phocagallery / pediocactus)
Habitat: California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. Description: a genus of small plants living at high elevations with a globular or subglobular shape. The tubercles are pronounced and ...
28. rebutia
(Phocagallery / rebutia)
... varieties; R. fiebrigii; Rebutia narvaecensis (Aylostera), a mountain cactus; grow in dappled shade, good ventilation and spray water frequently; Rebutia steimannii, Rebutia raulii; R. fusca (Aylostera) ...
29. thelocactus
(Phocagallery / thelocactus)
Habitat: deserts of Mexico and Texas. Description: this diverse genus, still lacking defined boundaries, comprises many different plants whose most evident common characteristic is the dense spination. ...
30. turbinicarpus
(Phocagallery / turbinicarpus)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: this dwarf, globular genus is found between 1500 and 1800 metres of altitude (4900-5900 ft) growing in stony or sandy areas with a slightly alkaline, moderately humus-rich ...
31. uebelmannia
(Phocagallery / uebelmannia)
... moderately humid air. Water: average. Cultivation tips: not easy; germinating seeds can also be tricky. They’re best grafted. Main species of Uebelmannia: Uebelmannia pectinifera, has a large ...
32. weingarthia
(Phocagallery / weingarthia)
... Weingarthia buiningiana; Weingarthia hediniana; Weingarthia eocumingii; Weingarthia lanata; Weingarthia platigona; Weingarthia neumanniana; Weingarthia pruinosa; Weingarthia riograndensis; Weingarthia ...
33. welwitschiaceae
(Phocagallery / welwitschiaceae)
Habitat: foggy deserts of Angola and Namibia. Description: this creeping plant develops two long, ribbon-like leaves only; they tend to split with age since the tip becomes dry and dies while the leaf ...
34. x-epicactus
(Phocagallery / x-epicactus)
... transplanted. Main species of Epicactus: hybrids flowering in a wide range of colours. Epicactus "Ackermannii"; Epicactus "Alba superbus"; Epicactus "Ballyshavel"; Epicactus ...
35. blando: echinocereus engelmannii
(Phocagallery / echinocereus engelmannii)
echinocereus engelmannii ...
Friday, 23 January 2009
36. blando: mammillaria schumannii
(Phocagallery / mammillaria schumannii)
mammillaria schumannii ...
Friday, 23 January 2009
37. blando: uebelmannia pectinifera
(Phocagallery / uebelmannia pectinifera)
uebelmannia pectinifera ...
Friday, 23 January 2009
38. marchand: mammillaria schumannii
(Phocagallery / mammillaria schumannii)
mammillaria schumannii ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
39. sciara2: echinocereus engelmannii cr
(Phocagallery / echinocereus engelmannii cr)
echinocereus engelmannii cr ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
40. varie: nopalxochia ackermannii
(Phocagallery / nopalxochia ackermannii)
nopalxochia ackermannii ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009

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