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21. lemaireocereus
(Phocagallery / lemaireocereus)
Habitat: Mexico, southern areas of United States, Central America, Peru. Description: a group of diverse plants, whose taxonomy is still debated, with upright or decumbent, sometimes branching habit. ...
22. leuchtenbergia
(Phocagallery / leuchtenbergia)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: it is the sole species in the genus; these small plants have a big taproot and triangular, elongated tubercles with papery spines on their tip. The yellow flowers are large ...
23. lobivia
(Phocagallery / lobivia)
Habitat: South America: Bolivia, Peru, Argentina. Description: a genus of small clumping globular plants, naturally growing in mountainous regions. In the summer, large, funnel-shaped flowers are borne ...
24. mammillaria
(Phocagallery / mammillaria)
Habitat: Mexico, south-west of the United States, South America, West Indies. Description: a genus of small, globular or cylindrical plants, from whose axils tiny, crown-shaped flowers arise; they may ...
25. melocactus
(Phocagallery / melocactus)
Habitat: West Indies, Brazil, Cuba, Peru, Mexico. In their native countries they can be also found growing on the seashore. Description: globular cacti with straight ribs and very variable in spination. ...
26. neobuxbaumia
(Phocagallery / neobuxbaumia)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: the genus comprises columnar, sometimes branching cacti. Flowers arise from areoles near the top or along the side. According to Hunt it is synonymous with Cephalocereus. ...
27. notocactus
(Phocagallery / notocactus)
Habitat: prairies of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina. Description: cacti with a globular or cylindrical stem that produce yellow, quite large flowers from the centre of the apex or just below it. Spines may ...
28. opuntia
(Phocagallery / opuntia)
Habitat: the genus is widespread across America, from sea level to 3000 metres (9800 ft). Description: these plants are variable in size and develop braches with flat, cylindrical or globular ribless ...
29. pachycereus
(Phocagallery / pachycereus)
Habitat: Mexico, desert of Baja California, United States. Description: a group of columnar cacti with slender stems branching from the base that may take a shrub-like form, sometimes of gigantic proportions. ...
30. parodia
(Phocagallery / parodia)
Habitat: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay. Description: these beautiful small, spiny cacti with a cylindrical or globular stem can bloom just 2 or 3 years after sowing. The large, funnel-shaped ...
31. passifloraceae
(Phocagallery / passifloraceae)
Habitat: Kenia, Namibia, Asia. Description: a group of woody, evergreen, floriferous vines. The leaves are alternate, sometimes lobed. The fruit is a berry. They may have a spiny caudex. Soil: basic ...
32. peniocereus
(Phocagallery / peniocereus)
Habitat: stony, arid regions of Mexico. Description: a group of plants showing upright or climbing habit with slim, angular stems with few short spines. The nocturnal, long-tubed flowers may be fragrant. ...
33. pterocactus
(Phocagallery / pterocactus)
Habitat: Argentina. Description: a genus of small cacti with cylindrical, sometimes jointed stems. They have fleshy roots and areoles with tiny spines. The plants produce yellow or white flowers near ...
34. rebutia
(Phocagallery / rebutia)
Habitat: Andean ranges of Bolivia, Argentina and a few other South American mountainous regions; they occur mostly at high elevations (up to 3000 m / 9800 ft) so they’re adapted to great diurnal ...
35. rhipsalidopsis
(Phocagallery / rhipsalidopsis)
Habitat: tropical forests of Brazil. Description: an epiphytic, short-lived genus with many cultivars available. The flattened stems have undulate or dentate margins, small hairy areoles and flower profusely. ...
36. rhipsalis
(Phocagallery / rhipsalis)
Habitat: Central and South America, Asia, eastern and western Africa, Madagascar, Ceylon. Description: a wide genus of highly decorative plants comprising many different epiphytic, forest species. They ...
37. sclerocactus
(Phocagallery / sclerocactus)
Habitat: California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. Description: a genus of globular or cylindrical, usually small and solitary cacti. The stem is marked by 12 - 20 ribs and bears bell-shaped, ...
38. selenicereus
(Phocagallery / selenicereus)
Habitat: tropical forests of Mexico, Central and South America. Description: a group of epiphytic plants having thin, flexuos runners with a cylindrical or angular section, developing ribs and aerial ...
39. sulcorebutia
(Phocagallery / sulcorebutia)
Habitat: Bolivian mountains, between 2000 and 4000 metres (6500-13000 ft). Description: a genus of small, globular plants that may form clusters; the areoles, usually with pectinate spines, are vertically ...
40. tephrocactus
(Phocagallery / tephrocactus)
Habitat: Argentinean Andes. Description: a genus of diverse plants, usually globular or cylindrical, some being cone-shaped, others having articles. The grayish-green stem bears small areoles, with or ...

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