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21. mammillaria
(Phocagallery / mammillaria)
Habitat: Mexico, south-west of the United States, South America, West Indies. Description: a genus of small, globular or cylindrical plants, from whose axils tiny, crown-shaped flowers arise; they may ...
22. myrtillocactus
(Phocagallery / myrtillocactus)
Habitat: high plateau region of central Mexico, Guatemala. Description: a group of branching, tree-like cacti with more or less prominent ribs that are difficult to get to flower in cultivation. The ...
23. neoporteria
(Phocagallery / neoporteria)
Habitat: southern Peru, Argentinean and Chilean Andes. Description: a genus of small globular cacti living at great elevations on the Andean ranges; the large, often bicoloured flowers are borne near ...
24. neoraimondia
(Phocagallery / neoraimondia)
Habitat: desert regions of Peruvian mountains. Description: a genus of cespitose, columnar cacti branching from the base. The diurnal, pink or purple flowers consist of a large tube holding the corolla. ...
25. notocactus
(Phocagallery / notocactus)
Habitat: prairies of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina. Description: cacti with a globular or cylindrical stem that produce yellow, quite large flowers from the centre of the apex or just below it. Spines may ...
26. obregonia
(Phocagallery / obregonia)
Habitat: northwestern Mexico. Description: the genus is related to Ariocarpus and Strombocactus; the plants have a big taproot, large triangular, rosette-like tubercles with areoles on their tip. The ...
27. ortegocactus
(Phocagallery / ortegocactus)
Habitat: Mexico (Oaxaca State), growing in the crevices of dark volcanic rocks at approximately 2500 m (8200 ft) of altitude. Description: a genus of small, globular cacti having a greenish-gray epidermis ...
28. parodia
(Phocagallery / parodia)
Habitat: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay. Description: these beautiful small, spiny cacti with a cylindrical or globular stem can bloom just 2 or 3 years after sowing. The large, funnel-shaped ...
29. pediocactus
(Phocagallery / pediocactus)
Habitat: California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. Description: a genus of small plants living at high elevations with a globular or subglobular shape. The tubercles are pronounced and ...
30. pereskia
(Phocagallery / pereskia)
Habitat: tropical America. Description: a primitive genus of cactaceous plants forming shrubs with a prostrate or climbing habit; the leaves are oval and stalked, the areoles large with tufts of tough ...
31. polaskia
(Phocagallery / polaskia)
Habitat: Oaxaca, Puebla, southern Mexico. Description: tree-like cacti with light green stems marked by 7-12 triangular ribs. The areoles are 3-4 mm (0.1-0.15 in) wide and bear from 3 to 8 radial spines ...
32. schlumbergera
(Phocagallery / schlumbergera)
Habitat: rainforests of Brazil. Description: epiphytic, non-parasitic, short day plants having flattened, jointed stems that tend to bifurcate. The commercially available plants are, for the most part, ...
33. sclerocactus
(Phocagallery / sclerocactus)
Habitat: California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. Description: a genus of globular or cylindrical, usually small and solitary cacti. The stem is marked by 12 - 20 ribs and bears bell-shaped, ...
34. selenicereus
(Phocagallery / selenicereus)
... macdonaldiae, similar to grandiflorus but with larger blooms; Selenicereus werklei; Selenicereus hamatus; Selenicereus innesii; Selenicereus hallensis.  ...
35. strombocactus
(Phocagallery / strombocactus)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: this rare genus comprises globular cacti with ribs growing in spirals, rhomboidal tubercles and a taproot. The diurnal, white flowers are produced in the summer and may ...
36. trichocereus
(Phocagallery / trichocereus)
Habitat: Andean ranges of Peru, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia; China. They can be found from sea level to 3000 metres (9800ft) of altitude where plants are adapted to low air humidity. Description: mostly ...
37. uebelmannia
(Phocagallery / uebelmannia)
Habitat: Brazil. Description: recently discovered beautiful, globular plants having green stems with several ribs and closely-spaced areoles. The flowers are yellow and diurnal and appear in the summer. ...
38. wilcoxia
(Phocagallery / wilcoxia)
Habitat: central and southern Mexico. Description: a group of cacti having greenish, slender stems that show either climbing or upright and shrub-like habit. The roots may be tuberous and the spines ...
39. selenicereus: selenicereus innesii
(Phocagallery / selenicereus innesii)
selenicereus innesii ...
Saturday, 31 January 2009
40. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here beginners can find answers to their most frequently asked questions: 1 – Some of my succulents never set seed. Why is that so? 2 – How can I get my cacti to ...
Monday, 12 January 2009

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