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1. asphodelaceae-hyacinthaceae
(Phocagallery / asphodelaceae-hyacinthaceae)
Habitat: South Africa, Madagascar, Malawi, Australia, America, Arabian Peninsula, Socotra. Description: a family of monocotyledonous plants comprising about 500 species, mostly herbaceous perennials, ...
2. blossfeldia
(Phocagallery / blossfeldia)
Habitat: Northern Argentina, Bolivia. Description: a dwarf genus with short ribless stems, spiny tubercles, beetroot-like roots. Flowers are borne from April to September. In the wild they grow in fissures ...
3. borzicactus
(Phocagallery / borzicactus)
Habitat: mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Equador and Chile. Description: a very diverse genus of cacti, often with a shrub-like habit and upright or sprawling stems. Some plants grow in foggy deserts at ...
4. crassulaceae
(Phocagallery / crassulaceae)
Subfamilies: CRASSULOIDEAE, SEDOIDEAE, COTYLEDONOIDEAE, KALANCHOIDEAE, ECHEVERIOIDEAE, SEMPERVIVOIDEAE. According to some botanists only two of them are to be considered subfamilies:the Crassuloideae and ...
5. echinocereus
(Phocagallery / echinocereus)
Habitat: Mexico, western United States. Description: the plants grouped in this genus occupy very different habitats: from sea level to elevations of approximately 3000 metres (9800 ft). Some show an ...
6. echinopsis
(Phocagallery / echinopsis)
Habitat: Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. Description: globular, cylindrical when older, half-hardy cacti with spiny ribs. Some grow in semi-desert regions sheltered by tufts of grasses, others ...
7. gymnocalycium
(Phocagallery / gymnocalycium)
Habitat: South America: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, southern Brazil, Bolivia, found from sea level to 1000 m (3300 ft) of altitude. Description: a genus of small, globular or short cylindrical cacti ...
8. islaya
(Phocagallery / islaya)
Habitat: foggy coastal deserts of Peru and Chile where it hardly ever rains and rocky areas up to 1000 metres (3300 ft). Description: a group of cacti with a green, solitary, spherical or cylindrical ...
9. notocactus
(Phocagallery / notocactus)
Habitat: prairies of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina. Description: cacti with a globular or cylindrical stem that produce yellow, quite large flowers from the centre of the apex or just below it. Spines may ...
10. rebutia
(Phocagallery / rebutia)
Habitat: Andean ranges of Bolivia, Argentina and a few other South American mountainous regions; they occur mostly at high elevations (up to 3000 m / 9800 ft) so they’re adapted to great diurnal ...
11. sclerocactus
(Phocagallery / sclerocactus)
Habitat: California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. Description: a genus of globular or cylindrical, usually small and solitary cacti. The stem is marked by 12 - 20 ribs and bears bell-shaped, ...
12. tephrocactus
(Phocagallery / tephrocactus)
Habitat: Argentinean Andes. Description: a genus of diverse plants, usually globular or cylindrical, some being cone-shaped, others having articles. The grayish-green stem bears small areoles, with or ...
13. thelocactus
(Phocagallery / thelocactus)
Habitat: deserts of Mexico and Texas. Description: this diverse genus, still lacking defined boundaries, comprises many different plants whose most evident common characteristic is the dense spination. ...
14. How and where they live
('Uncategorised Content')
all you need to know Habitats of succulents Distribution of cactus
Thursday, 12 February 2009
15. Il MAXI LIBRO delle Piante grasse
(Piante grasse/CD-ROM)
... nella sua prima parte, è quello di ripercorrere l’evoluzione delle piante, con particolare riguardo alle succulente, all’ambiente naturale in cui vivono, alla distribuzione sui territori, ...
Monday, 10 March 2014
16. Temperature Minime Invernali
(Coltivazione/Minime invernali)
... di luce (eziolatura); inoltre se non si provvede alle annaffiature la pianta prima avvizzisce poi si secca per effetto della traspirazione che continua. Molti cacti sopravvivono al gelo in quanto durante ...
Thursday, 15 January 2009
17. Lithops
... ventina di giorni allorché comincerà la formazione delle radici. Il substrato dove queste piante vivono è privo di humus e quindi anche di funghi contro i quali non hanno protezioni naturali. Di conseguenza ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
18. What is Cites?
('Uncategorised Content')
CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
19. Astrophytum
(Category - Italian - Italy)
      by Mario Cecarini   ASTROPHYTUM Lemaire 1839   Historical notes    Astrophytums, whose name is derived from Greek ‘aster’ (star) and ...
20. How they live
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
Growth factors The elements that determine plant development (heat, water, light, nourishment) are strictly interdependent: if one of them increases, also the others must increase, and vice versa, of ...
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