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1. ancistrocactus
(Phocagallery / ancistrocactus)
Habitat: Mexico, Texas. Description: globular, sometimes upright cylindrical, cacti with big areoles each of them bearing a central hooked spine; they may develop a taproot. The diurnal flowers are borne ...
2. aporocactus
(Phocagallery / aporocactus)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: this epiphytic genus is commonly referred to as ‘rat’s tail cactus’ because of the long, slender stems of the plants. They produce purplish red flowers ...
3. aylostera
(Phocagallery / aylostera)
Habitat: mountainous regions of South America, particularly in Bolivia and Argentina. Description: globular cacti with tubercles arranged in spirals; they tend to sucker. Young as well as adult plants ...
4. aztekium
(Phocagallery / aztekium)
Habitat: Northern and central Mexico. Description: a genus of dwarf globular cacti with 8 to 11 ribs, a tap root and green colour. They seldom produce offsets if not grafted. They are highly adapted ...
5. borzicactus
(Phocagallery / borzicactus)
Habitat: mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Equador and Chile. Description: a very diverse genus of cacti, often with a shrub-like habit and upright or sprawling stems. Some plants grow in foggy deserts at ...
6. cephalocereus
(Phocagallery / cephalocereus)
Habitat: Central and South America, particularly Brazil. Description: a columnar ribbed cactus with spiny areoles bearing flowers near the top when the plant is mature, usually after several years. It ...
7. cereus
(Phocagallery / cereus)
Habitat: Central and South America, West Indies. Description: the genus is comprised of very tall, woolly, spiny cacti; they show a columnar habit and a tendency to develop lateral branches. Adult specimens ...
8. chamaecereus
(Phocagallery / chamaecereus)
Habitat: Northern Argentina, sub-Andean mountain ranges. Description: this genus tends to develop large clusters of stems 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in) long; they bear numerous red flowers in late summer. A ...
9. cintia
(Phocagallery / cintia)
Habitat: Bolivia. Description: a dwarf genus of green, tap-rooted cacti with yellow flowers resembling those of Copiapoa. In the wild it grows at high altitudes with extreme diurnal temperature variations. ...
10. cleistocactus
(Phocagallery / cleistocactus)
Habitat: South America, particularly in mountainous regions of Bolivia. Description: a genus of columnar cacti, some reaching 2 metres (6.5 ft) in height. The red or yellow flowers are tubular with long ...
11. coryphantha
(Phocagallery / coryphantha)
Habitat: United States, Mexico. Description: globular or columnar cacti, usually densely spined with a tuberous taproot system. The tubercles, each bearing an areole, are arranged in spirals and vertically ...
12. cryptocereus
(Phocagallery / cryptocereus)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: a genus of cacti with flat, leaf-like, deeply incised stems bearing showy, very fragrant, nocturnal, yellowish flowers, red on the outside. It is now within the genus Selenicereus. ...
13. dolichothele
(Phocagallery / dolichothele)
Habitat: Mexico e southern United States. Description: a group of globular cacti with soft, elongated tubercles. The flowers are yellow and quite large. They are now believed to be part of the genus ...
14. echinocereus
(Phocagallery / echinocereus)
Habitat: Mexico, western United States. Description: the plants grouped in this genus occupy very different habitats: from sea level to elevations of approximately 3000 metres (9800 ft). Some show an ...
15. echinopsis
(Phocagallery / echinopsis)
Habitat: Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. Description: globular, cylindrical when older, half-hardy cacti with spiny ribs. Some grow in semi-desert regions sheltered by tufts of grasses, others ...
16. epiphyllum
(Phocagallery / epiphyllum)
Habitat: mainly plants of garden origin. There are hundreds of hybrids obtained by crossing Epiphyllum with Selenicereus, Echinopsis and so on. Description: these plants, growing as epiphytes in the ...
17. epithelantha
(Phocagallery / epithelantha)
Habitat: from Texas to northern Mexico. Description: tiny, globular plants covered with short white spines. The diurnal flowers are borne at the centre of the apical crown during the summer. They were ...
18. eriocereus
(Phocagallery / eriocereus)
Habitat: Cuba, Argentina, Jamaica. Description: a genus of upright or sprawling cacti with slender stems, large, long-tubed flowers from white to pink in colour. It includes the genus Harrisia. Soil: ...
19. escobaria
(Phocagallery / escobaria)
Habitat: desert regions of southwestern Texas and southern New Mexico. Description: the genus comprises mainly globular cacti with a clumping habit, with vertically furrowed tubercles like Coryphantha. ...
20. eulychnia
(Phocagallery / eulychnia)
Habitat: foggy deserts of Chile and Peru. Description: columnar, tree-like cacti having conspicuous areoles with tufts of long white hairs. Formerly included in the genus Cereus. Soil: basic mix. Location: ...
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