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41. Piante Grasse - LE CACTACEE
(Piante grasse/CD-ROM)
... le strategie poste in essere, la loro vita segreta, i processi che ne regolano l’esistenza.  N.B. L'indice analitico è riportato nella Demo  Scarica gratis la demo. Contatta l'autore. ...
Thursday, 19 August 2010
42. Forme Fiorali
(Cactacee/Forme fiorali)
Presentiamo alcune immagini di fiori riferite alle cactacee con lo scopo di essere di aiuto nella classificazione e dare loro un nome.          ...
Sunday, 07 June 2009
43. Cactaceous genera
(Category - French (Fr))
 Browse the folders using the menu on the left. WARNING - To better understand the plant database files, each of them devoted to a single genus, you are advised to read this ...
44. Cultivation notes
(Category - French (Fr))
SOIL MIXES - BASIC MIX (suitable for the majority of cacti and other succulents) - 3 parts of field or garden soil with some sand or tuff; - 2 parts of humus (leaf mould or soil for acid-loving ...
45. Sowing
(Category - French (Fr))
The hopes, pleasures and disappointments of every aspiring succulent grower The following article is the summation of all the information patiently gathered from many enthusiasts’ personal experiences ...
46. The greenhouse
(Category - French (Fr))
or how to make a dream come true In order to succeed in this task you need a certain aptitude for DIY; otherwise I suggest you seek help from a skilful friend willing to give you a hand.  ...
47. The diseases
(Category - French (Fr))
... infestations is mechanically removing the insects or dabbing them with a toothbrush or cotton bud dipped in methylated spirit which melts their protective coating. Biological control with ladybugs (Coccinellidae) ...
48. Epiphytic cacti
(Category - French (Fr))
49. Mesembs
(Category - French (Fr))
  MESEMBS  by Mario Cecarini Mesembryanthemums (Livingstone daisies), once classified in a family of their own (Mesembryanthemaceae), have now been assigned to the wider family of Aizoaceae ...
50. Astrophytum
(Category - Italian - Italy)
      by Mario Cecarini   ASTROPHYTUM Lemaire 1839   Historical notes    Astrophytums, whose name is derived from Greek ‘aster’ (star) and ...
51. Cultural practices
(Category - French (Fr))
A compendium with tips, strategies, suggestions based on personal experience SOIL The soil consists of weathered rocks, organic matter, water, gases and is the result of chemical, physical and biological ...
52. How they live
(Category - French (Fr))
... which conducts to the subcellular damage of the organelles, which die, also causing the subject death. In each stadium of vegetable life exist old cells, new cells, more or less diversified cells, and ...
53. Cacti e Fotografia
(Category - French (Fr))
... il diaframma al valore di lavoro (con le reflex che lo permettono). I tubi di prolunga o anelli di estensione si interpongono fra l'apparecchio e l'obiettivo così da allungarne il tiraggio, cioè la distanza ...
54. La fotocamera digitale
(Category - French (Fr))
... digitale sta nell'uso che quest'ultima fa di una scheda di memoria e di un sensore CCD o CMOS in luogo della pellicola. L'immagine digitale è costituita da una griglia di quadratini detti pixel a ...
55. Piante Grasse - LE CACTACEE
(Succulents/CD-ROM - Italian - Italy)
... le strategie poste in essere, la loro vita segreta, i processi che ne regolano l’esistenza.  N.B. L'indice analitico è riportato nella Demo  Scarica gratis la demo. Contatta l'autore. ...
Thursday, 19 August 2010
56. Cactacee in CD-ROM
(Succulents/CD-ROM - Italian - Italy)
... leei; minima; missouriensis; nelliae; orcutii v. albicolumnaria; roseana v. laui; runyonii; variicolor; vivipara; vivipara colfax; Escontria chiotilla; Espostoa bella; blossfeldiorum; cantoensis; huanucensis; ...
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
57. Phytosanitary products
(Cultivation guide/The diseases - French (Fr))
They have been classified by the European Community into seven toxicity categories: T+ = very toxic; T = toxic;  Xn = harmful; Xi = irritant; F = highly flammable; O = oxidizing; N/C = not classified. ...
Saturday, 04 April 2009
58. Wintertime
(Cultivation guide/Wintertime - French (Fr))
...  Gymnocalycium gibbosum var. fenellii -23 Gymnocalycium gibbosum var. gibbosum -23  ...
Thursday, 15 January 2009
59. The flora of Tenerife
(The life of plants/The habitats - French (Fr))
... Pteridium aquilinum, Pteris serrulata, Pteris tremula, Pteris vittata, Trichomanes speciosum, Woodwardia radicans Selaginellaceae  ...
Sunday, 11 January 2009
60. Table of cultivation
(In-depth articles/Mesembs - Español(Spanish Formal International))
             c  period of growth              f  period of flowering          ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009

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