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41. varie: oroya baumannii
(Phocagallery / oroya baumannii)
oroya baumannii ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
42. varie: uebelmannia buiningii
(Phocagallery / uebelmannia buiningii)
uebelmannia buiningii ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
43. varie: uebelmannia warasii
(Phocagallery / uebelmannia warasii)
uebelmannia warasii ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
44. varie: nopalxochia ackermannii
(Phocagallery / nopalxochia ackermannii)
nopalxochia ackermannii ...
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
45. Temperature Minime Invernali
(Coltivazione/Minime invernali)
...  +9 Tylecodon rubrovenosus +7 Tylecodon scandens +8 Uebelmannia ...
Thursday, 15 January 2009
46. Cactacee in CD-ROM
(Piante grasse/CD-ROM)
...  Cintia knizei; napina; subterranea; Cipocereus bradei; crassisepalus; pleurocarpus; Cleistocactus angosturensis; areolatus; aureispina crest; baumannii; brookerae; candellila; compactus crest; dependens ...
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
47. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
... have any chance of surviving? - Of course, as long as you choose the right genera and species. Plants like Pediocactus, Toumeya, Uthaya, Escobaria, Austrocactus, Neowedermannia but also many Opuntias, ...
Monday, 12 January 2009
48. Generi Validi
(Cactacee/Generi validi)
...  Myrtillocactus Neobuxbaumia Neolloydia Neoraimondia Neowerdermannia Obregonia Opuntia  ...
Thursday, 15 January 2009
49. ENG Sezione 1
('Uncategorised Content')
... anni di lavoro.       HARDY SUCCULENTS Moore kekelaidis - Store Publishing; lingua ...
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
50. Lithops
... La vitalità dei semi può protrarsi per circa 8 anni, con l'optimun intorno ai 3-4 anni. Semi troppo freschi sono causa di bassa germinabilità, con l'eccezione della specie optica la cui semina deve avvenire ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
51. Piante Grasse - LE CACTACEE
(Piante grasse/CD-ROM)
... formate generazioni di cactofili è fuori commercio da anni e, purtroppo, introvabile. Si spera che il presente manuale possa costituire un valido aiuto in tal senso.  Scarica gratis la demo. Contatta ...
Thursday, 19 August 2010
52. Fitoparassitosi
(Coltivazione/Le malattie)
Ecco alcune immagini di danni provocati dai parassiti delle piante.    ...
Sunday, 05 April 2009
53. Flora di tenerife
(Vita delle piante/Gli ambienti)
... nudicaulis, Leontodon salzmannii, Logfia gallica, Logfia minima, Lugoa revoluta, Matricaria chamomilla, Pallenis spinosa, Pericallis achinata, Pericallis appendiculata, Pericallis cruenta, Pericallis hansenii, ...
Sunday, 11 January 2009
54. Il germinatoio
(Coltivazione/Le semine)
... si andrà a realizzare. Quando si opera con l'energia elettrica occorre prestare grande attenzione, per non arrecare danni a persone e/o cose sia nel momento della realizzazione che in quello dell'utilizzo. ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
55. Sowing
(Category - French (Fr))
... Pediocactus, Toumeya, Uthaia, Escobaria, Neowerdermannia Austrocactus as well as Opuntia, Tephrocactus, Mahuenia, Sophora germinate better if scarified8 by soaking in a 96% solution of sulphuric acid for ...
56. The greenhouse
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
... getting planning permission. One really big mistake is usually building too small a greenhouse. It is true that the bigger the greenhouse, the higher the running costs, but it is also true that the larger ...
57. Subfamilies
(Category - French (Fr))
... Micranthocereus, Pilosocereus, Praecereus, Stephanocereus, Uebelmannia. TRIBE 4: TRICHOCEREEAE. They bear lateral or sub-apical flowers; some species develop a cephalium at maturity.  ...
58. Epiphytic cacti
(Category - French (Fr))
... (small round tannish insects) and mealybug (whitish insects that leave a cottony residue). both of which can be controlled by spraying with one of the insecticidal soaps that are on the market. You can ...
59. Accepted genera
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
...  x Myrtgerocactus Myrtillocactus Neobuxbaumia Neolloydia Neoraimondia Neowerdermannia  ...
60. Astrophytum
(Category - Italian - Italy)
... “The Cactaceae”.    Further and more in-depth studies, carried out with the help of the scanning electron microscope on seeds, along with analyses on DNA have challenged Buxbaum's ...

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