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21. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here beginners can find answers to their most frequently asked questions: 1 – Some of my succulents never set seed. Why is that so? 2 – How can I get my cacti to ...
Monday, 12 January 2009
22. Fitofarmaci
(Coltivazione/Le malattie)
...  Le larve dei Tripidi si combattono mediante l’acaro Neoseiulus cucumeris, che però risulta sensibile al calore estivo. Il ragnetto rosso (Tetranychus urticale) si combatte mediante gli acari ...
Saturday, 04 April 2009
23. Planisfero dei climi
(Vita delle piante/Gli ambienti)
... infatti che ogni 100 metri di altitudine la temperatura scende di 0,6°C; la presenza di acque, in grado di mitigare il clima di una regione trattenendo il calore per restituirlo lentamente all'aria; ...
Sunday, 11 January 2009
24. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... E. holmisiae; E. inaequispina; E. incostantia; E. joannis; E. laikipiensis; E. lavranii; E. ledienei; E. leuconeura; E. lignosa; E. lindesii; E. lophogona; E. marlothiana; E. millotii, calore per tutto ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
25. Cultivation notes
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
SOIL MIXES - BASIC MIX (suitable for the majority of cacti and other succulents) - 3 parts of field or garden soil with some sand or tuff; - 2 parts of humus (leaf mould or soil for acid-loving ...
26. The greenhouse
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
or how to make a dream come true In order to succeed in this task you need a certain aptitude for DIY; otherwise I suggest you seek help from a skilful friend willing to give you a hand.  ...
27. How they live
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
Growth factors The elements that determine plant development (heat, water, light, nourishment) are strictly interdependent: if one of them increases, also the others must increase, and vice versa, of ...
28. Phytosanitary products
(Cultivation guide/The diseases - French (Fr))
They have been classified by the European Community into seven toxicity categories: T+ = very toxic; T = toxic;  Xn = harmful; Xi = irritant; F = highly flammable; O = oxidizing; N/C = not classified. ...
Saturday, 04 April 2009
29. Planisphere of precipitations and heat
(The life of plants/The habitats - French (Fr))
Sunday, 11 January 2009
30. Planisphere of climate
(The life of plants/The habitats - Español(Spanish Formal International))
  Climatic zones distribution across the globe according to the Wladimir Köppen  
Sunday, 11 January 2009
31. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here beginners can find answers to their most frequently asked questions: 1 – Some of my succulents never set seed. Why is that so? 2 – How can I get my cacti to ...
Monday, 12 January 2009
32. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... E. holmisiae; E. inaequispina; E. incostantia; E. joannis; E. laikipiensis; E. lavranii; E. ledienei; E. leuconeura; E. lignosa; E. lindesii; E. lophogona; E. marlothiana; E. millotii, calore per tutto ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
33. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... E. holmisiae; E. inaequispina; E. incostantia; E. joannis; E. laikipiensis; E. lavranii; E. ledienei; E. leuconeura; E. lignosa; E. lindesii; E. lophogona; E. marlothiana; E. millotii, calore per tutto ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
34. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... E. holmisiae; E. inaequispina; E. incostantia; E. joannis; E. laikipiensis; E. lavranii; E. ledienei; E. leuconeura; E. lignosa; E. lindesii; E. lophogona; E. marlothiana; E. millotii, calore per tutto ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009

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