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1. Sowing
... Pediocactus, Toumeya, Uthaia, Escobaria, Neowerdermannia Austrocactus as well as Opuntia, Tephrocactus, Mahuenia, Sophora germinate better if scarified8 by soaking in a 96% solution of sulphuric acid for ...
2. The greenhouse
... getting planning permission. One really big mistake is usually building too small a greenhouse. It is true that the bigger the greenhouse, the higher the running costs, but it is also true that the larger ...
3. Subfamilies
... Micranthocereus, Pilosocereus, Praecereus, Stephanocereus, Uebelmannia. TRIBE 4: TRICHOCEREEAE. They bear lateral or sub-apical flowers; some species develop a cephalium at maturity.  ...
4. Epiphytic cacti
... (small round tannish insects) and mealybug (whitish insects that leave a cottony residue). both of which can be controlled by spraying with one of the insecticidal soaps that are on the market. You can ...
5. aizoaceae
(Phocagallery / aizoaceae)
Habitat: mainly South Africa although they also occur in Madagascar, Horn of Africa, Arabian peninsula, Island of Elba, Australia and New Zealand. Description:  the Aizoaceae (Rudolphi) family of ...
6. ariocarpus
(Phocagallery / ariocarpus)
Habitat: Texas, New Mexico, Northern Mexico. Description: they have a short stem with hard, large tubercles and a fleshy taproot. The white, pink or purple flowers arise from the centre. They are adapted ...
7. aylostera
(Phocagallery / aylostera)
Habitat: mountainous regions of South America, particularly in Bolivia and Argentina. Description: globular cacti with tubercles arranged in spirals; they tend to sucker. Young as well as adult plants ...
8. aztekium
(Phocagallery / aztekium)
Habitat: Northern and central Mexico. Description: a genus of dwarf globular cacti with 8 to 11 ribs, a tap root and green colour. They seldom produce offsets if not grafted. They are highly adapted ...
9. bombacaceae
(Phocagallery / bombacaceae)
Habitat: tropical sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Asia, some islands across the Indian Ocean, Australia, America. Description: Dicotyledonous plants that grow into large trees with tender wood and often ...
10. carnegiea
(Phocagallery / carnegiea)
Habitat: Arizona, southwestern California, State of Sonora (Mexico). Description: a genus of gigantic columnar cacti that may reach 15 metres (50 ft) in height. Very long-lived, they’re commonly ...
11. cereus
(Phocagallery / cereus)
...  Cereus aetiops, it flowers when it’s one metre (3.3 ft) high. Cereus hildmannianus v. monstruosus. Cereus validus, variable in appearance, it bears long spines and flowers profusely during ...
12. coryphantha
(Phocagallery / coryphantha)
... C. retusa; Coryphantha recurvata; C. sheeri; Coryphantha sulcata; C. sulcolanata; Coryphantha werdermannii.  ...
13. crassulaceae
(Phocagallery / crassulaceae)
Subfamilies: CRASSULOIDEAE, SEDOIDEAE, COTYLEDONOIDEAE, KALANCHOIDEAE, ECHEVERIOIDEAE, SEMPERVIVOIDEAE. According to some botanists only two of them are to be considered subfamilies:the Crassuloideae and ...
14. discocactus
(Phocagallery / discocactus)
... Discocactus placentiformis; Discocactus crystallophilus, with sweet-scented flowers; Discocactus pugionacanthus; D. hartmannii; D. pulvinacapitatus; Discocactus silicicola; Discocactus heptacanthus; ...
15. echinocactus
(Phocagallery / echinocactus)
Habitat: deserts of Mexico and United States. Description: barrel-shaped cacti of variable size with prominent ribs, tough spines and yellow flowers arranged in a ring near the top. They’re usually ...
16. epiphyllum
(Phocagallery / epiphyllum)
Habitat: mainly plants of garden origin. There are hundreds of hybrids obtained by crossing Epiphyllum with Selenicereus, Echinopsis and so on. Description: these plants, growing as epiphytes in the ...
17. eriosyce
(Phocagallery / eriosyce)
Habitat: deserts of Peru and Chile. Description: these spherical cacti have approximately forty ribs with tough spines. Pink or purplish pink flowers appear once the plant has reached maturity, that ...
18. espostoa
(Phocagallery / espostoa)
Habitat: Andean ranges of Equador, Bolivia, Peru, between 1000 and 2300 metres (3300-7500 ft). Description: a genus of columnar, sometimes tree-like cacti, covered with dense white hair that may hide ...
19. geraniaceae
(Phocagallery / geraniaceae)
Habitat: nearly all the species are from South Africa. Description: a family of dicotyledonous, herbaceous plants. The leaves are normally opposite, palmate-veined, sometimes covered in soft hairs. ...
20. lobivia
(Phocagallery / lobivia)
Habitat: South America: Bolivia, Peru, Argentina. Description: a genus of small clumping globular plants, naturally growing in mountainous regions. In the summer, large, funnel-shaped flowers are borne ...
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