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41. leuchtenbergia
(Phocagallery / leuchtenbergia)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: it is the sole species in the genus; these small plants have a big taproot and triangular, elongated tubercles with papery spines on their tip. The yellow flowers are large ...
42. lophocereus
(Phocagallery / lophocereus)
Habitat: Arizona, Mexico. Description: a group of columnar, upright cacti branching from the base that form greenish shrub-like structures. They have prominent ribs and large woolly areoles. The spines ...
43. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here beginners can find answers to their most frequently asked questions: 1 – Some of my succulents never set seed. Why is that so? 2 – How can I get my cacti to ...
Monday, 12 January 2009
44. What is Cites?
('Uncategorised Content')
CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
45. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... temono le basse temperature, altre la troppa umidità. In vegetazione concimare una volta il mese. Propagazione da seme (fresco) a 20-22°C e per talea primaverile/estiva, in suolo sabbioso, previo lavaggio ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
46. Flora di tenerife
(Vita delle piante/Gli ambienti)
...  Ruscaceae Semela gayae, Semele androgyna Smilacaceae  ...
Sunday, 11 January 2009
47. Fitofarmaci
(Coltivazione/Le malattie)
... terreno. - I tiadiazolici (etridiazolo) sono utili per la disinfezione del terreno e l’azione preventiva che esplicano nei confronti dei semenzali. - Il gruppo dei Triazolici comprende numerosi ...
Saturday, 04 April 2009
48. Servizi
(Coltivazione/Pratiche colturali)
...  Bohemia Cactus - - cacti and succulents, book, links, advertisements, etc. Server sui cactus e succulente, con news e oltre 300 link di pagine personali per un totale di circa ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
49. Lithops
... i semenzali al sole diretto. La fioritura avviene dopo circa tre anni. I Lithops sono autosterili per cui è d'obbligo ricorrere all'impollinazione incrociata, tenendo presente la tendenza che hanno ad ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
50. Cactaceous genera
(Category - French (Fr))
 Browse the folders using the menu on the left. WARNING - To better understand the plant database files, each of them devoted to a single genus, you are advised to read this ...
51. Sowing
(Category - French (Fr))
... don't forget that "ut sementem feceris, ita metes“.19 -------------------notes--------------------- 1- Remember that a high humidity level while promoting germination also contributes ...
52. The diseases
(Category - French (Fr))
AUTHOR’S DISCLAIMER The author of this website declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from use or misuse of the following information or from improper manipulation and application of the ...
53. Subfamilies
(Category - French (Fr))
SUBFAMILY 1: PERESKIOIDEAE. Presence of leaves and absence of glochids; seeds without aril. GENERA: Pereskia. A spiny shrub that bears flowers which resemble those of old garden roses; its leaves are ...
54. Epiphytic cacti
(Category - French (Fr))
55. Mesembs
(Category - French (Fr))
  MESEMBS  by Mario Cecarini Mesembryanthemums (Livingstone daisies), once classified in a family of their own (Mesembryanthemaceae), have now been assigned to the wider family of Aizoaceae ...
56. Cultural practices
(Category - French (Fr))
... page. Succulent growers who haven’t got a greenhouse should move their plants indoors to an unheated place, like a garage, an attic, a stairwell, an indoor balcony or even a sufficiently lit basement. ...
57. How they live
(Category - French (Fr))
Growth factors The elements that determine plant development (heat, water, light, nourishment) are strictly interdependent: if one of them increases, also the others must increase, and vice versa, of ...
58. Cacti e Fotografia
(Category - French (Fr))
L'APPARECCHIO  Chissà quante volte, mi chiedo, volendo serbare un ricordo della stupenda fioritura di Echinopsis kermesina, di Echinocereus pectinatus, o immortalare l'effimero e maestoso fiore ...
59. La fotocamera digitale
(Category - French (Fr))
  LA NUOVA FRONTIERA Le fotocamere digitali consentono grande versatilità e rapidità operativa con produzione di immagini che possono essere ...
60. Piante Grasse - LE CACTACEE
(Succulents/CD-ROM - Italian - Italy)
NOVITA'  - Questo libro consta di 280 pagine, comprende 630 fotocolor di cactus, 98 schede relative ad altrettanti generi, con indicazioni per 900 specie e approfondimenti su 14 generi scelti ...
Thursday, 19 August 2010

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